Translations of writings of Květoslav Minařík into English and German

Websites: and
Published by: Josef Studený
Language: English, German

Neither Josef Studený, nor any translator, was granted approval to the ownership of copyright for any translation into a foreign language of any work of Květoslav Minařík (further KM) published on these web-pages or, according to these web-pages published elsewhere. These are unauthorised publications. The texts are neither authorised nor verified.

Because of the fact that among the texts in Czech, published on the websites and, there are frequently found fake writings, we do not recommend you to consider the published translations here to be original works of KM either.

Among other works, the biography of KM, Kechara, is published on these websites, in both English and German.

Josef Studený has published this title online, regardless of the wish of KM that his autobiography should be published and read as the last book or not at all. He repeatedly expressed his wish publicly and J. Studený knew this and consciously broken this wish. He has published online the pre-final, samizdat version of the original and moreover he has done this secretly, behind the back of PhDr. Šubrtová and without obtaining copyright.

(For details see Samizdat and printed fake writings and unauthorised publications/Kechara)

Therefore we, in the name of the author, ask the readers not to read this online version of Kechara. It is not a final version, and its publication is not authorised. Moreover, if it is read as the first book of Květoslav Minařík, he warned that there is a danger of developing unhealthy views on him as he openly explains here his very exceptional, unique personal mystic experiences as well as the outer course of his life, but also, inappropriate views of the teaching contained in the rest of his books.

The list of works of Květoslav Minařík, which were translated without permission, are not authorised, nor verified with the original of KM. Therefore none of the following texts can be considered authentic:

In English:

In German: