The Secrets of Tibet 2: The Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Tibetan Book of the Dead with comments of Květoslav Minařík is a testimony that he found the truth overcoming each knowledge obtained in a purely theoretical way. He has found and shows the path to the solution of the psychological problems in both the temporal as well as the supertemporal level, which can be used by every person. It is a textbook dealing with the laws of the inner life and with the relationships of these laws to every situation of life. The author of the comments here tracks the inner life, in line with the Tibetan text, all the way beyond the moment of death and he explains all its changes which may take place. In this book, the Tibetan mysticism is not left in some “mystical“ shadow. It is brought to the light of the modern psychology.
Květoslav Minařík has considered this book to be a handbook of the methodology of life, with the help of which it is possible to create conditions for satisfaction. He has proven in himself that this statement is not a mere promotion. As a son of a miner, his social situation didn’t allow him to even finish his primary education. He practised yoga since his apprenticeship years and he excelled in it in a short time to become a mystic – psychologist. He then devoted many years to the translation of his experiences into thinking and finally proved that the methodology of life that he explains in this book, solves all individual psychological problems as well as those related to destiny. At the same time, this book is a proof of the fact that the yogic education that the author describes and explains is able to solve even the problems of school education.
This book should be studied by everyone, a believer or an atheist, at least once in their life, to find encouragement in the memory of it in critical situations of life and in the moment of dying.